Trade Books
Functions and processes of the body and its anatomical parts.
This 6-page laminated guide includes the following topics:
Skeletal System
Muscular System
Nervous System
Physiology of Hearing & Equilibrium
Physiology of Vision
Endocrine System
Cardiovascular System
Lymphatic System
Immune System
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Urinary System
Reproductive System
Outlines the basic concepts and principles of political science.
For students, travelers and businesspeople hoping to brush up on their Portuguese (Lusophone) skills, this 3-panel (6-page) guide is a powerful reference tool. The most common Portuguese words and phrases--complete with their English translations, of course!--can be found within this essential study aid.
Boost grades and the understanding of early algebra concepts that can make or break the long-term study of algebra through middle and high school and on to college. Textbooks and classes cover so much over months at a time that the details at different stages of learning are passed up with expectations of students remembering all the details of every stage of learning. This 6 page laminated reference guide is expertly authored and designed to offer a quick detailed overview of all stages of early algebra learning. So all concepts can be seen at a glance before reading texts or listening to instructors, during study and homework, or further into the class for refreshing before quizzes and exams. It can help the math-rusty parent homework coach as well to get the algebra gears turning again so you can be the homework hero.
Topics covered include:
6 page laminated guide includes:
Essential #1 best-selling reference for more than 20 years sold in almost every college bookstore in the country. The core statistics course is a critical and difficult class for many and develops a foundation that will support use of statistics in higher level courses in so many subject areas and majors. This six-page laminated guide is filled with more need-to-know facts per page than any book or website and will continue to support in future study. The equations, tables, and graphs that matter most accompany concisely written explanations in an outline format for easy access. This reference tool for students and professionals is proven to work selling millions since it's release. With the answers you need at your fingertips this durable tool will last your entire career and is an incredible value.
6 page laminated guide includes: